Wednesday, March 24, 2010

April 17th - DIY-Punk Matinee!

In community partnership with the Kapisanan Philippine Centre, No Apathy! presents its first all ages DIY-punk matinee!

ANCESTORS (Post-hardcore punk from Toronto)

KALE ('90s-style hardcore from Montreal)

!ATTENTION! (Positive pop-punk from Toronto)

The show starts at 4:30pm and there will be a $5 fee at the door (although no one will be turned away due to lack of funds). The Kapisanan Philippine Centre is located at 167 Augusta Avenue - please respect the centre's request that no alcohol or other drugs make their way in or around the space.

There will also be several tables set up including:
-No Apathy! Free Distro
-A Mountain Far distro
-twelveohtwo zine distro
-Vegan baked goods by Evy Hareven and Astrid Voura
-Zines and crafts by Sara Pinder
-Animal Rights info
*If there's anything you'd like to table with, get in touch!

No Apathy! works to maintain a safe environment for all who participate in our events so forms of oppression such as homophobia, sexism, or racism are not welcome at No Apathy! shows. Let's work together to build a community based on mutual respect as well as shared ideals.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

2010 Toronto Anarchist Assembly

No Apathy! will be tabling with the Free Distro at the 2010 Toronto Anarchist Assembly on Saturday (April 10th) from 11am-3pm, hope to see you there!

Here's the schedule for the weekend:

* On Friday April 9th, there will be an evening panel discussion on “Anarchism in the 21st Century”
* On Saturday April 10, there will be book tables, group tables, displays, and workshops from 11am-3pm. Then from 3pm-5pm there will be a giant go-around so folks can hear what other people are up to. From 5pm on there will be a family-friendly social with food, games, and movies, followed later by music, a bar, and all kinds of anti-authoritarian hijinks.
* On Sunday April 11, there will be more book tables, group tables, displays, and workshops.