Monday, February 21, 2011

March 12th - All Ages Matinee!

No Apathy! presents our next All Ages DIY-Punk Matinee!
Saturday March 12th 2011, 6-10pm @Beit Zatoun

MISTAKE MAKERS (pop-punk from halifax)
YOUNG FEATHERS (social justice folk jams, ex-barn owl)
THE HOLY GASP (minimalist anarchist songs, ex-barf pigeons)

--Beit Zatoun is located at 612 Markham Street (one block west of Bathurst on Bloor)

--There will be a $5 suggested fee at the door (no one will be turned away due to lack of funds).

--Please respect the space and our request that no alcohol or other drugs make their way in or around it.

Some of the rad tables that will be set up:
-tweveohtwo zine distro
-Spit Vicious zine distro
-No Apathy! free info distro
-A Mountain Far distro
-Toronto Anarchist Black Cross
-Toronto Zine Library
-Common Cause
-Butterfly Tree Crafts
-Canadian Animal Liberation Movement Toronto
-Vegan baked goods by Evy Hareven and Astrid Voura!

*Beit Zatoun unfortunately has barriers to access (there are several steps leading to the front door and many to the downstairs bathroom). We apologize for the lack of accessibility at this event - we are actively working on making our events more accessible going forward.
No Apathy! works to maintain a safe environment for all who participate in our events so forms of oppression such as homophobia, transphobia, sexism, or racism are not welcome at No Apathy! shows. Let's work together to build a community based on mutual respect as well as shared ideals.